7 Day FREE Trial
Full Course Value: $197
The Power of Rich Text Formulas for Custom Buttons
Say good-bye to boring apps!
This online course will show you how to harness the power of Rich Text formulas to create dynamic and engaging buttons for your Quick Base applications.
Start your 7-Day trial today – No credit card required!
What's Included
Everything you need to create custom buttons in your applications
Instruction that breaks down 3 different methods to create custom buttons
An easy to follow structure that makes learning the necessary HTML & CSS feel simple
A detailed example of a custom button in use, where one button performs 3 different tasks
Discover multiple ways to create custom buttons
Define your own button style down to the very last detail
Use one of many pre-existing styles to shortcut the work
Leverage an image to do the work of the button's graphic
Each of the above is presented in detail with everything you need to create the buttons yourself
Access quick references that can be used after the course
Swipe files of all the demonstrated formulas that you can copy & paste
Style Cheat Sheet containing all of the style properties and examples
Class Cheat Sheet containing all of the class names and examples
Includes two bonus lessons that take your custom buttons to the next level!
Bonus #1
Using App Variables to save your custom button settings for use in multiple formulas and tables
Bonus #2
How to tap into actions on the form like Save, Save & keep working, Delete, and Print with your custom buttons